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About Me

Inimitable: not capable of being imitated
Original: unique or eccentric person

I have never been one to quite fit in with those around me. Growing up, I was the conundrum who turned up my nose at the whims of the girls and romped around with the boys (until hormones made those relationships difficult). I played soccer, but then I also danced. I was as hot-tempered as my Italian background could suggest but was still ever so sensitive in the midst of my stubbornness. I did have a couple, very good girlfriends, but I was consistently rejected on a general, social level. Even though it hurt, I can see now how it was better than the alternative of being swept away by the waves of popularity.

It was during my first post-high school adventure, Rhema Bible Training College, that I truly understood how to live as I am with what I am. I learned to find acceptance in my faith, myself, and a close-knit group of friends that truly cared for me as I am. I am not a mistake; I am not forgotten. In turn, I began to learn to view others the same. No one is ever exactly how they appear to be. The interpretations and limits we place on others can be erroneous. There is so much more to those around us than what we can see; it behooves all of us to be willing to press in a little deeper to find out what that may be.

It is hard, sometimes, as I am a visual learner, and the inner workings of a person's heart are not easily seen. Nevertheless, like my own journey, I have found it necessary to be willing to search deeper to find their truths hidden behind masks. No one ought to be taken for granted. No one should see their story blown away, dust on the wind. Everyone's voice matters, whether I feel comfortable or not, or if I agree or not. All it takes is dedication and an honest investment. I learned this, I am learning this, and I will continue to learn this.

I have grown in the knowledge that one of the most interesting aspects of life is just how different we all are. If we were to each fit into a common mold, nothing would get done. A song is puzzled together with many parts, and each knows its space. It is up to each of us to find our role and perform it to the best of our ability in unity. In this I am striving to find my place. Not for my own, personal benefit, but for that of those around me. If I am living my life solely for my own sake, there remains little purpose. ​. .even if it means losing the good opinion of those whose beliefs may be complacent. ​

While I do not presently have a declared major, I have had the opportunity to study a broad variety of topics. In this pursuit, I have found myself drawn more to those who may find themselves without a voice, or even more so, those who need a listening ear. I have begun to instantly dissect popular opinion or what is pushed to find the framework of truth. It is not always easy. It is not always pleasant even, to tear down my own underlying beliefs, but it is necessary. If I am in a position where my voice can be heard above the clamor, and I do not take my opportunity to stand firm, what sort of position am I creating for myself; what sort of legacy will I leave?

To be honest, I am not one hundred percent sure what that exact place will be in the future. I have no doubt that it will involve an avenue through which I can serve others, especially children, as I have been these many years past. Community service is a passion of mine, and it is not something I could ever truly give up. Still, no matter the end, I know that I am a strong-willed, committed learner who never wants to settle for less than the best. My ultimate goal is to never stop learning; never stop reaching - in whatever season I stand. No role is without importance, and I am determined to succeed in mine, no matter what sort of dedication it takes. Wherever I find myself in the future, I will excel. 

"Raise a glass to freedom. . . something they can never

take away."

Lin-Manuel Miranda


Photo credit: Angela Pallassino

Photo credit: Angela Pallassino


Photo credit: Angela Pallassino


Photo credit: Angela Pallassino

© 2018 by Angela Pallassino. Created with Wix.

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