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Angela Pallassino

"I am inimitable. I am an original."

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Greetings! As declared by the ostentatiously enlarged font above, my name is Angela Pallassino, and I am a student at South Piedmont Community College. This is my ePortfolio, where I hope you catch a glimpse into who I am, and what I have learned over the last, few years.


To begin, you ought to know that the preceding quote comes from my favorite Broadway musical, Hamilton, that tells the story of Alexander Hamilton's life, victories, and failures. The more I listen to the soundtrack, the more I find myself identifying with the leading man. Within the music and the lyrics are seen a burning passion to revolutionize the world, to break away from limitations, and to never be held back by anyone or anything. Even when they point and scorn, he keeps working. Even when he stumbles, he rises.


I have also made mistakes, but they are mine. I have also been the brunt of mockery, but I will not be defined by it. From these I have learned valuable lessons about who I am and exactly of all that I am capable. I have found myself shifting away from complacency towards a more determined path. When there is injustice in the world, I want to correct it. I don't want to stand by, and I'd like to see someone try to stop me from continuing to move forward. Hamilton, I am.


And I will not throw away my shot.


One last time: welcome. I'm glad you're here. You'll meet me inside.

© 2018 by Angela Pallassino. Created with Wix.

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